Wednesday, January 23, 2008

COSMO said i told you so

Appreciate your man.

Dont demand. When you demand you set these really high expectations and though sometimes its ok to have one but by demanding things you tend to overlook stuff and you stop appreciating the things that you guy is doing coz your thinking that its his job to do it in the first place. which is definitely wrong. your only supposed to take what the other gives.

There's a difference between doing something out of love and just fulfilling an obigation. That's the reason why some people dont go to masses anymore they felt they've been going there because they're required to. instead of being commended for going they get criticized more and feels guilty if they miss one. so they just stop going.

If your partner is starting to feel that he's just doing an obligation then you have to start worrying. Once he starts to question the passion that is put into the relationship thats when he starts feeling choked. and trust me you dont want to get into that point.

Stop questioning his motives.

I get it. we've all watched too many a sci-fi films about conspiracies and cover-ups. Though it would be nice if life is that exciting and all but the truth is, your man isn't hiding anything from you. theres is no ulterior motives or hidden agenda. he just wants to be with you.
to feel your smooth skin.. kiss those red lips.. touch your soft cheeks.

He is not secretly wishihg to be with other girls or to be w/ his friends. nor is he hoping that time would fastforward itself so his time with you could be over soon.

Ask any man you know (yes even including your dad) if they would sacrifice they're time, passion (basketball, parties, inuman etc) and ego for any girl or anyone at all who doesnt mean to them. If he's tired all day and still carries your bag. you are special! if he misses a game so he could just chat with your over coffee or ice cream. you are special! if he goes shopping with you for that one dress you've been wanting to wear even if you dont know what it looks like yet, providing of course that he still wants to sleep with you (meaning he's not gay). you are special!and he means it. otherwise he would bluntly say you so.

for the nth time: Stop trying to change him. you fell in love with that imperfect guy remember.

why is it that every woman seems to have this personal mission to change their man. They expect men to be their sort of project doll where they would inject a little breeding of their liking. stop it! if we want to change then we'd go to the experts (calling queer eye for a straight guy or something like that) Women tend to forget that they were attracted to that barbaric personality in the first place. fresh.mysterious.uncertain. if we changed who we are then we would lose our identity. you might achieve your goal of what you think as a perfect boyfriend but we would lose ourselves, doubting the decisions that we've made for the past couple of months and yes that includes the decision to be with you. The only thing that can be done is to compromise. meet halfways. to learn to adjust through our differences. imagine if we start out on an experiment of changing you to be the beer-drinking-basketball-loving-submissive-outdoor-get-down-and-dirty-type of girlfriend that most men want. scary isn't it?

So Ladies appreciate your man.


Kai said...

my gawd, dont ever believe a word that cosmo says,bleh,=p..

yarnhoj said...

yeah, appreciate me! hehehe

basta I love the girls

Anonymous said...

what girls??? hehehe

kingdaddyrich said...

and men, appreciate your lady!
