Monday, January 12, 2009

the death of a STAR

"humans as we are, we all tend to resist change
though change is inevitable, we still fight it"

When Gregorio del Pilar recieved the order from Emilio Aguinaldo to stay and stall the americans in Tirad Pass, the young general already knew what was asked of him. A death sentence. Given 60 men to hold off 500 heavily americans would be a complete suicide. Yet he stayed and fought until the the inevitable happened.

2 days ago, we were given the news that Vonage Outbound, known as the ROCKSTARS, would cease to operate. The announcement was short, simple and straight to the point. with no hint of any sugar-coating. People panicked. People cried. Of course no sweet words could ever make it easier to digest. Everyone hugged everyone. Yet for me things never really sank in till now. 2 days later at 3 in the morning.

It wasnt really a complete surprise. Eight months into my entry in the program, rumours have already circulated of its closure. True that half of the agents were transferred to another program and the once loud and proud rulers of the 5th floor northwing has now been reduced to meager crowd stuck in the corner. After a year, rumours again resurfaced and changes were made. Team Canada got southparked and joined the rest of the US squad. A couple of months later, welcome desk became outbound reactivation team(?) and eventually transferred to sales.
Whats the point of the story? the rumors were always there yet they remained that way. just rumors! Sure a lot of changes have happened but just like the phoenix, Rockstar always found a way to rise from the ashes. Though it struggled and it never managed to recover being no#1, still it survived. apparently not anymore.

If theres one thing Vonage Outbound was good at and known for is that we know how to PARRRTY! big time. Undisputed #1 in Site Events, Rockstar has raised the bar in terms of program presentation and participation. We even brought the entire program to Bantayan, a first in etel Cebu. The GA's are crazy and really something.

All good things they say must come to an end. 20 agents were lucky enough to be transferred to another program while the remaining 19 will see what awaits their fate. I happen to be in that unlucky 19 who must still make calls for a week more before the program that was Vonage Outbound aka Rockstars officially shuts down. What does one do when he knows the end is coming?
How do you make of a bleak future?
How do you motivate yourself to do a job that is almost meaningless?

a) should you jump ship and start a new with the knowledge that the same thing could happen to another company and as a probie, its more likely that your ass would be the first one to get kicked

b) or do you stay to keep your tenureship but place your hands at the mercy of the profiling gods(read: HR) to find a vacancy somewhere within the company irregardless of the type of program that they throw you into (which is another concern)

hmmnn.. decisions.. decicions..decisions..(either way im screwed!)

Just like Gen Gregorio del Pilar and his men, our 2 supervisors thats left must lead us to this grueling week ahead. None of us want this. Am i pissed? hell yes! it honestly sucks but we still have to do what were paid for. its inevitable. truly a very slow painful death. ROCKSTARS now signing off..

"The General has given me the pick of all the men that can be spared and ordered me to defend the Pass. I realize what a terrible task has been given me. And yet I feel that this is the most glorious moment of my life. What I do is done for my beloved country. No sacrifice can be too great"
- from the diary of Gen Gregorio del Pilar.